Denise Goldberg's blog

To Newfoundland!
An awesome August adventure

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A funny kind of day

The rain was heavier than I expected, but it did eventually stop. The ferry worry is gone since Marine Atlantic decided to suspend operations from 8 AM Sunday until 8 AM Monday. I'm hoping to set foot on Nova Scotia at some point on Monday (I hope, I hope...). In between the rain and making some travel arrangements, I did manage to do a little bit of wandering.

We had what I would consider a special treat for breakfast. What? Oatmeal – the soak overnight kind – topped with yogurt, cinnamon, and a little maple syrup. Wonderful... I would happily eat that every day (but I guess that will have to wait until I return home, won't it?).

The downpour of this morning lightened up a bit. Time to head out...

My first destination was Broom Point, My intent was to walk along the shore after I visited the restored fish store, but by the time I pulled in there the wind was howling and rain was falling sideways.
It was raining so hard that Denise borrowed my baby camera to take photos in the fish store. She didn't want to carry her big camera in that downpour. Isn't it a good thing that I have a camera with me too?

--- Rover

Broom Point

Thinking I needed an indoor activity for a bit, I headed to the Bonne Bay Marine Station in Norris Point. There is an aquarium there that is open to the public in addition to the research facility that is the station's reason for existing. There was one tank of fish - wolffish if I remember correctly – where the fish were lined up staring at me. You don't think they were staring? It certainly looked like they were.

What I found even more interesting were the charts showing the ocean currents flowing through this area.

The rain turned to mist, and outside activities called to me once again. I walked places today that I had walked before on a quieter day – what a difference! Waves were rolling against the shore, there were clouds and mist, and I could lean against the wind. In fact, there were times when I found it difficult to stay upright – and these winds were no where near hurricane strength.

Dinner tonight was at Java Jack's again. I couldn't resist a sweet potato carrot soup laced with interesting spices as a starter, followed by veggie lasagna with a Caesar salad. Very nice.

Tomorrow I'll be headed to the south.

I still don't know when my ferry will be leaving; at this point it sounds like it could be late Monday afternoon. Of course that's assuming that Hurricane Bill has exited the area by Monday morning. The current storm track still shows it hitting the eastern tip of Cape Breton Island at 9:30 tomorrow night and clipping the eastern edge of Newfoundland as a tropical storm at 3:30 Monday morning. Maybe that will allow the ferries to start running again Monday. I was on the second cancelled ship, so that means I will likely be on the second ship to leave here once Marine Atlantic resumes operations.

I'd like to be a little closer to the ferry, so I will start in that direction tomorrow. I'll be staying in Corner Brook, two hours from my current home, and a 3-hour drive to the ferry.