Denise Goldberg's blog

To Newfoundland!
An awesome August adventure

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Walking through raindrops

Maybe sleeping with the window open isn't a good idea. I woke up (again) in the wee hours of the morning to the sound of rain. It was still drizzly during breakfast. I thought about where to head, talked to my fellow B&B residents about what they were planning to do, and then headed a long way around Baie Bonne Bay, East Arm, and South Arm to the southern section of the park.

It was still a bit wet when I arrived in Woody Point, a good time to head inside the Discovery Centre. I spent a bit of time there, reading the exhibits, watching a film about the park, and talking with one of the rangers about the moose in the park. I talked with him for quite a while, fascinated by the size of the moose skull and antlers that were sitting on the table in front of me. There was a much smaller skull sitting next to the moose skull; it turned out that the smaller head belonged to a bear.

The exhibits and explanations of the geology of the area was even more interesting.

Time to move outside! I headed out to hike the Tablelands trail, one of the few places where the earth's mantle is exposed. There was green growth below, red rocks above, with a low sky of gray, wisps of lighter clouds highlighting folds in the hills. For my walk out and about half-way back there was mist in the air, and then a light rain started. Other than trying to keep the drops of water off of the filter on my camera, it wasn't too bad. Oh! the weather wizard won the drops of water battle, and when the rain increased I stashed the camera in my pack.

My hope was to also walk the Green Gardens trail, but when I pulled into the parking lot at the trailhead it was not only wet but the area was shrouded in fog. Hmmm... maybe another day. I was hoping to do both trails today since that area of the park is a good hour from Rocky Harbour. I may go back if I have time; Green Gardens is on trails wish list, and I think I'd like to repeat the Tablelands trail in different light too.

Another good day, even though my wanders on two feet were a bit shorter than I'd hoped. The weather forecast calls for clearing tomorrow morning, with good weather continuing through Friday. Fingers crossed...

Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park